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Artificial Intelligence: Fishial.AI

Part of my job at DWR is to review video footage from our fishway camera located in the underground hatch of the  Bosher's Dam Fishway . We record from mid-February through June every year in the hopes of spotting an American Shad passing through. There is also a separate constant video stream going during those months for the public to view:  Shad Cam If we don't have an intern or part-time technician on staff during the winter months, this mind-numbing duty falls to me. I review a random 15-minute segment from each hour of an entire day and catalog each species I see in that segment as well as the number of them passing through. Don't worry, I can fast-forward the video up to 8x-16x normal speed depending on the amount of fish and the species passing through. And now that I have a lot of practice I have become very adept at identifying species in high numbers and at high speeds. Recently, however, my guardian angel of a regional manager mentioned that AI technology for f...

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