Climate and Weather Information

For this dive into climate and weather data I stuck with government websites since I believe they offer more robust data sets for looking at general climate trends.

  •  NOAA’s page is a great starting point if you want to get a tidy snapshot of an area’s climate history. The data sets most relevant to my study area are the temperature (min, max, monthly avg.) and the precipitation.
  • NOAA’s The Climate Explorer” offers a more high-tech experience than the tables and graphs. There are several different data sets, such as average temperatures and precipitation, that are paired with interactive maps.
  • I also found a lot of helpful and interesting information while browsing the EPA’s Climate Change Indicators page ( ). See below for some of the maps that I found to be most interesting and pertinent to my study area.
  • USGS Water Data ( ) – I use this page for work when I’m out sampling central Virginia’s tidal rivers. It allows you to graph out either the river level (ft) or the river discharge (cub. ft/sec) over whatever period you want to investigate. This will be a helpful tool to use for my study area since the James River is an important ecosystem for a variety of species and will be a good indicator for the numerous streams that feed into it.
  • Another NOAA page that I want to spend more time digging through is their Understanding Climate section. They have a ton of information ranging from broad factsheets to in-depth investigations into a variety of different climatic phenomena and trends. Here are a few wide-ranging climate events that may have an impact on my study area:

·       Future Research (expect updates as new ideas pop up)

  •       Average precipitation and temperature ranges to sustain wetlands
  •       Water temperatures needed for native fish species
  •        Impact of frost trends on native plant species (as well as pollinators)
  •       Impact of climate events such as El Nino and NAO on my study area

Precipitation – NOAA -

    Temperature – Max, Min, Monthly Avg.

Leaf and Bloom Dates

        “This map shows the change in water temperature at 129 stream gauges across the Chesapeake Bay region from 1960 to 2014. Red circles show locations where temperatures have increased; blue circles show locations where temperatures have decreased. Filled circles represent sites where the change was statistically significant.


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