Mobile App Reviews
The first taxonomy/identification app I looked at was Project FeederWatch which is run by the Cornell Ornithology Lab. I actually became acquainted with this app last semester for a citizen science project for my Conservation Ecology class. You can read a detailed review of the app on my other blog here: Matty Gaffney's Bird Quest
The second app I chose to explore was Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Go Outdoors app. While this app isn't as high tech as others (i.e. photo recognition software), I didn't see it on the list... plus I've been meaning to check it out since I work there! There is a ton of helpful information on the app geared toward recreational hunters and anglers including: hunting schedules, fish stocking schedules, permit information, regulations, fresh/saltwater fishing guides, tide times, and boat launch locations. However, the species identification section is lacking; the only available lists are for fish. That being said, the Fish ID Guide is pretty detailed and includes not only a helpful description of the different species but also: best fishing locations, fishing techniques, feeding habits, habitat, and spawning habits.
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